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NatCH BB's Aster

Aster wishing you a Merry Christmas

NatCH BB's Aster arrived at Cedars Point Kennel the same day as Yetta.  Aster, Cedar's daughter, mirrors Cedar's calm temperament.  The calm demeanor has aided her focused development.  She loves people and is extremely social.  Though she is 4 weeks younger than Yetta she holds her own and loves giving Yetta a run for her money.  Aster's a cooperative hunter, tracks wonderfully and has a fabulous signature point.  She loves exploring in the house, yard, and field. Everything seems to intrigue her and it is fun to watch her learn about the world around her.  Aster is extremely engaged in her learning and has even been a student in Brenda's classroom.  In fact, she stole the show there despite Yetta's stark and unique appearance.  She's been hunted extensively since her first season on the grouse, pheasant and prairie chicken in South Dakota.  She also traveled out to Minnesota to hunt ruffed grouse with Cedar and her Point sisters.  She just had her first litter in March of 2023.

Jeff and Aster on a good day in South Dakota
Photo Gallery

By clicking on the image provided please find a photo library for BB's Aster, including dogs from her pedigree-primarily her mom.  This provides a snapshot history  into her line and how members of her pedigree can still contribute today to Cedars Point Kennel.

Aster a sharptails disaster

By clicking on the image provided please find Aster's Pedigree.  Aster is Cedars daughter and came from a Breeders Award Litter with Lakewoods Enchanted Beauty.

Performance Testing
Aster after her NA test

We ran Aster on August 10, 2019 at the Black Hills Chapter inaugural NA Test.  She was the first dog ever to test at the Chapter and scored a 110 Prize I at 11 months of age.  If it wasn't for a meadow lark flying out of the alfalfa while she was on her track she would likely have been awarded a maximum score.  Her prey drive was her undoing if you could call that a fault.  Aster ran her NAVHDA UT test August of 2021 in peak estrus.  Her wheels came off in steadiness, along with a couple other elements.  Click on image for her official scores.

Aster at the IABCA show in Greely CO

Aster's confirmation was evaluated at the Rocky Mountain Sieger IABCA show in Greeley, CO in October of 2021.  Judges critiques can be viewed by clicking on image.  She received here National Champion Title at the show.

© 2018 Proudly created by Jeff Mizenko.

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